What is Bowspring?
The Bowspring aligns the body in a position of readiness. It is an alignment for us to move with lightness and fluid power like a graceful animal. It is a natural curvy shape of the body that puts a spring in your step, and uplifts your mood. With this dynamically balanced posture, the breath can move freely without inhibition bringing a new level of vitality and energetic freedom.
The Bowspring practice provides tremendous health benefits for body, mind, and heart. See a full list and descriptions of the many benefits of Bowspring practice.
Springy lightness and fluidity in any movement
More curves - narrowing waistline and mounding glutes
Authentic confidence
Increased self-awareness of psycho-emotional patterning within our default posture.
If you want to read more see https://www.globalbowspring.com/what-zpypw